WAV16 applications are welcomed from the 1st of April 2016 with the latest possible closing date for applications being the 28th of October 2016. The maximum amount of grant available during this time is €750,000. If all monies have been allocated before the closing date, this will signal the end of the grant phase. Unlike earlier schemes, there are no geographical distribution limits.
When you have successfully applied for the grant you are expected to follow a set process in order to ensure you are meeting the conditions of the grant. These conditions include that the proposed driver must have completed the disability awareness training provided by the National Transport Authority. They also dictate that your vehicle has passed its “initial suitability check” and that you have received your license.
Inability to meet these conditions will mean that you are not able to avail of the grant, even if you have purchased your vehicle. It is therefore very important that you give yourself sufficient time to go through the whole process. Closing date for the Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle 2016 Grant Scheme is the 30th of November 2016, meaning all monies must have been claimed and paid out by this date.