Designed for drivers or passengers wanting to lift a wheelchair or scooter in and out of their vehicle. The hoist allows a quick and effortless transfer of a wheelchair or scooter into a vehicle in less than a minute.
Your wheelchair or scooter will affect the type of boot hoist you need and the space required, so you should contact one of our Adaptation Specialists here in McElmeels so they can make sure that the cars you are considering will fit the hoist type you need, as well as your scooter or wheelchair.
Operation Wheelchair / scooter hoists allow users to easily and quickly load their mobility product into the boot of their vehicle using a simple keypad.
It increases independence by removing the requirement for somebody to physically lift the wheelchair or scooter into the the vehicle and can often be carried out by the wheelchair or scooter user themselves.
40kg-80kg Available with either a fixed or folding arm. It can be more suited to small vehicles with less room in the boot. 80kg-100kg. The most compact design available providing maximum space possible for loading the wheelchair/scooter. 150kg-200kg. The most heavy duty of the hoist range designed to lift heavier wheelchairs/scooters.
4-way hoist
4-way hoists are ideal if you need to transport a scooter or a larger wheelchair. They help move the product up and into the boot at the touch of a button, although you may also need to guide the product by hand and then secure your product using tie-downs. In many cases, your product will only fit with one or more rear seats folded down. You may also need to be able to dismantle your scooter if the situation requires it.
2-way hoist
2-way hoists are for lighter wheelchairs. They operate with an up and down action only, so you will need to be able to push the wheelchair into the boot by hand, then secure the product using tie-downs.
Although generally for use with smaller products, the rear seats may still need to be part or fully folded flat, so again this is an important consideration when deciding which hoist is best for you.